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COVID-19 update

In response to COVID-19, UIC’s College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts has minimized our on-site, in-person administrative and research activities to protect students, faculty, and staff and keep the virus from spreading further.

UIC has established a central website with information about COVID-19 for the university community at the link below. The campus site is the best resource during this dynamic situation:

UIC information about COVID-19

All college staff remain accessible at the email addresses in the college directory.

If you are sick, or suspect you may have COVID-19, please review the information on this page

Students with symptoms should call their primary care provider or Student Health at University Village at 312-996-2901 for guidance. Faculty and staff should call their primary care provider or University Health Service at 312-996-7420 during business hours or the University of Illinois Hospital at 866-600-CARE (2273) and press 9 after hours for guidance.

In addition, the following may be useful links during this time:


Prospective students

