Art & Art History
Special Series in Moving Image
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria Street
Jim Finn
Wednesday, March 7, 6pm
Jim Finn is the writer/director of what have been referred to as “utopian comedies. He started making movies in Chicago in the late 1990 s and became a fixture on the microcinema scene. His short videos have appeared at such festivals as the International Film Festival Rotterdam, the New York Underground Film Festival, the Chicago Underground Film Festival, and Impakt Festival, among others. Finn went to graduate school at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and studied Creative Writing at the University of Arizona. He currently teaches video and writing at Emerson College in Boston.
Beatriz Santiago Mu oz
Tuesday, April 10, 6pm
Beatriz Santiago Mu oz was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where she continues to live and work. Her films usually involve non-actors performing one-step-removed versions of their lives, improvised scripts, and conversations. Mu oz has had solo exhibitions at Distributed Gallery Telic Arts Exchange, Los Angeles; CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco; and Espacio 1414, San Juan. She has shown in numerous group exhibitions at venues including Vox Populi, Philadelphia, and Gallery 400, Chicago. In 1997 she received an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Jalal Toufic
Monday, April 23, 6pm
Jalal Toufic is a Lebanese video artist and author who has written numerous books, including Distracted (1991; 2nd ed., 2003); (Vampires): An Uneasy Essay on the Undead in Film (1993; 2nd ed., 2003); Two or Three Things I m Dying to Tell You (2005), and Undeserving Lebanon (2007). One of the main concerns of the works of Toufic, who describes himself as a mortal to death, is mortality less as physical death at the end of life than as a simultaneity of life and (un)death. He has taught at the University of California at Berkeley, California Institute of the Arts, the University of Southern California, and, in Lebanon, Holy Spirit University. Toufic currently teaches at Kadir Has University in Istanbul.