Art & Art History
Rick Valicenti

Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria Street
Rick Valicenti (born 1951) formed his award winning design firm Thirst in 1989. Slyly political, visually sarcastic, aggressively angry, sorrowful and lonely, Valicenti’s work both repels and attracts, toying with our reactions to a bloody heart pinned, still pumping, to his virtual sleeve. And while he is a master of wordplay, the communication in his work is ultimately visual. If graphics are a language, Valicenti uses it to Shakespearean levels with abundance, exuberance, and sheer delight in visual play. Since 1988, The Lyric Opera of Chicago has been a client of Thirst. In an arena where most operas are promoted by art kitsch and clich , The Lyric Opera benefits from Valicenti’s emotional force to evoke the drama and human controversy inherent in operatic works.