Art & Art History
Marisa MorУЁn Jahn

Domestic Worker App by Domestic Workers United
Gallery 400
400 South Peoria Street
Please join us for a presentation by artist Marisa MorУЁn Jahn, followed by a participatory discussion designed to share effective strategies for working toward social justice.
Of Chinese and Ecuadorian descent, Marisa Jahn is an artist, multimedia designer, educator, and the founder of Studio REV-, a nonprofit studio whose public art projects combine creativity, bold ideas, and sound research to impact the lives of low-wage workers, immigrants, women, and underserved youth. Jahn has created numerous international projects including a public art nanny hotline about the New York Stateтs Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and The NannyVan, a bright orange mobile design lab and sound studio that тaccelerates the movement for domestic workersт rights nationwide.т
As a multi-media designer and educator, Jahn has worked with The American Museum of Natural History, Unesco/Adobe Systems, The National Domestic Workers Alliance, Urban Justice Center, Stanford Universityтs Cantor Art Museum, under-resourced public schools in San Francisco and New York City, and grassroots organizations internationally. Jahn has edited three books about art and politics: Pro+agonist: The Art of
Opposition, Recipes for an Encounter, and Byproduct: On the Excess of
Embedded Art Practices.
A graduate of UC Berkeley and MIT, Jahn has received numerous awards and distinctions including a CEC Artslink Fellow; a 2007-9 artist in residence at MITтs Media Lab; a 2013 MIT Open Doc Fellow. Jahn and Studio REV- have received numerous grants including Rockefeller Foundation Cultural Innovation Fund, apexartтs Franchise Art award, Open Society Foundation, and Tribeca New Media Fund grant for interactive media. She is also an Advisor of NuLawLab, a design+law initiative of Northeastern Universityтs School of Law. Jahnтs work has been reviewed in hundreds of international publications including The New York Times, BBC, ArtForum, TheWall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Boing Boing, Make Magazine, Art in America, and Discovery Channel.
This event is co-presented by Gallery 400, The School of Art and Art History at UIC, and the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum.