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Art & Art History

Marc Treib: Recent Posters (Peripheral Ephemera)

Sunday, October 16, 1983–Saturday, October 29, 1983
Gallery 400
400 South Peoria Street, Chicago, IL 60607

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Marc Treib: Recent Posters (Peripheral Ephemera) is an exhibition of approximately fifty posters from the years between 1972 and 1979. Most of the posters were executed for the Department of Architecture lecture series, University of California, Berkeley, and deal with architecturally related themes. The posters are generally 18” x 24”, though there are both smaller (to 11” x 15″) and larger (24” x 90″) examples. Diazo (blue, black or brownline), an inexpensive process, was used for the majority, in addition to offset lithography.

Marc Treib is a trained architect whose scholarship bridges architecture and landscape architecture. His interests include Scandinavian and Japanese architecture and gardens, cemetery design, landscape history, and Bay Area modern architecture and landscape. He has also written a book entitled A Guide to the Gardens of Kyoto (1980). Treib earned a BA from the University of Florida, and an MA in Architecture, as well as a second MA in Design, from the University of California, Berkeley.