Art & Art History
How are we looking today?
Gallery 400
400 S Peoria St
Chicago, IL 60607
The performer will individually greet each audience member upon arrival. Please plan to arrive within the 20-minute window from 3:30 – 3:50pm.
How are we looking today? is an experimental performative workshop that explores the ways we perceive, feel, and relate. This participatory performance invites individuals to choose their path through the exhibition by negotiating their sense-based relationality. Upon arrival, audience members will be individually greeted by Bochay Drum and asked to gauge their desired participation level and personal expectations of the workshop. After the initial greeting, participants will be led through a series of interactions with the exhibition All have the same breath. These experiences bring them into relational bonding with the artwork through writing, drawing, listening, smelling, feeling and mood–ultimately developing modes of observation that foster collective agency.
Light refreshments will be served.