Art & Art History
Form and Function: Alice Aycock

Alice Aycock
Monday, March 02, 1987
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria Street
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria Street
Alice Aycock (born 1946) is known for her large-scale public sculpture that often combines the appearance of the industrial with suggestions of weightlessness. Since the 1960s, Aycock has developed phenomenologically site-orientated works to include metaphor and simile, referring to machinery and construction sites, archaeological sites, models, children s play areas, fun fairs, and other public or social settings. The curious sense of authority within her sophisticated, well-made structures is simultaneously articulated and undermined by a non-sensical, non-functional, and fantastical element. She received a BA from Douglass College, New Jersey and an MFA from Hunter College, New York.