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Art & Art History

Artist Tax Workshop with Janet Ecklebarger

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014–Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria

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Hosted by Propeller Fund, this workshop with Janet Ecklebarger will instruct recent grant recipients and applicants on how to properly claim a grant on their taxes.

Janet Ecklebarger has been a practicing artist for over twenty years and, for almost ten years, has been preparing income taxes. She specializes in deductions for artists, musicians, and other creative types while also offering tax and accounting techniques for the right brained.

Topics covered:?

Taxability of grants and other artist incomes?
Deductions and how to treat them including record keeping?
DBA’s and banking?
1099’s receiving and instituting
Role of Fiscal Agents?
Sole Proprietorship vs. S Corp and LLC