Alexander Eisenschmidt awarded Graham Foundation grant

Congratulations to Associate Professor Alexander Eisenschmidt, whose publication Félix Candela from Mexico City to Chicago: Rise and Fall of Experimentation in Concrete was recently awarded a grant from the Graham Foundation. The publication is a collection of essays that centers on Félix Candela’s departure from Mexico City and arrival in Chicago during the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s.
The book features contributions by Ero Aggelopoulou-Amiridis, William Baker, Reyner Banham, Alvin Boyarsky, Robert Bruegmann, Félix Candela, Stuart Cohen, Carl Condit, George Flaherty, Geoffrey Goldberg, Esther McCoy, Jonathan Miller, Kathryn O’Rourke, Elisa Maria Quaglia, Kenneth Schroeder, Nader Tehrani, Stanley Tigerman, and Juan Ignacio del Cueto.
Image: Open Chapel of Palmira under construction, designed by Félix Candela, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1958. Photograph. Courtesy Archivo de Arquitectos Mexicanos, Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM