Art & Art History
Spectral Landscape (with Viewing Stations)
Gallery 400
400 South Peoria Street, Chicago, IL 60607
Polly Apfelbaum, Ali Bailey, John Baldessari, Madison Brookshire and Tashi Wada, Zachary Buchner, Tyree Callahan, Anne Collier, Jacob Dahlgren, Jose Dávila, Gaylen Gerber, Adam Grossi, Gary Hill, Rashid Johnson, Anna Kunz, Judy Ledgerwood, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, and Richard Mosse.
Exploring color as both a formal and a social force, Spectral Landscape (with Viewing Stations) arrays artworks around the gallery according to a loosely organized color spectrum. Envisioned by the artist-curators as an environment—a landscape—the project is created not only from works using spectral color but also from instances of achromatic, invisible (infrared, thermal, supernatural), and variable (metallic, iridescent) color in art. Spectral Landscape (with Viewing Stations) reveals and embodies how artists navigate the complex interactions between colors, histories, references, and sensations.