Theatre & Music
STM Sounds Like: Andrew Pridmore

Welcome to STM Sounds Like, an interview segment that introduces you to the many great people that make up the School of Theatre and Music.
In this segment of STM Sounds Like, we feature Andrew Pridmore a BA in Music Business alumni. Since graduating, Andrew has kept busy making music and playing with various bands in Chicago. He currently plays with The Trenchies a modern-day 60’s beatlesque band, and The Hustle an indie rock band made up of high-school and longtime friends.
Listen to Andrew Pridmore’s experience as a music student at the School of Theatre and Music and the creative influences that have propelled his music career forward.
Read the Chicago Reader article on Andrew Pridmore's band The Trenchies.
Learn more about Andrew Pridmore here.
Produced and recorded by
Daniel Hernandez
BA in Music Business