James Carter wins Schiff Fellowship in Writing

We are pleased to announce that Design Criticism student James Carter (MAD-Crit 2018) is the recipient of this year's Schiff Foundation Fellowship in writing.
First granted in 1989 and administered by the Department of Architecture and Design at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Schiff Foundation Fellowship is given annually to one student from either the University of Illinois at Chicago, The Illinois Institute of Technology, or The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Carter's essay, "Pezo von Ellrichshausen's Casa Meri (2014): Outside and In," follows two diverse architectural subjects to underline both the confinement and the liberation of architectural interpretation. In the realm of architectural writing, characters establish a contextual framework from which to comprehend architecture from broader perspectives. The essay depicts two characters, The Scorekeeper and The Inhabitant, to respectively provide independence in opinion and often-overlooked insight. In the case of these two characters, an account of Casa Meri was given from outside and in.